李颉, 院士
李颉,曾任日本筑波大学(日本超级国际化计划A类顶尖校)系统信息学部教授,担任了信息系统学科负责人和软件系统学科负责人。李颉教授的近年的主要研究方向是大数据,人工智能,云计算、物联网、网络安全、信息系统评估等。是国际IEEE 大数据技术委员会(IEEE Big Data Technical Community)的联席主席,IEEE 通信学会大数据委员会(IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Big Data)的创始人和主席,IEEE 大数据标准委员会成员。其研究成果在有影响力的国际学术期刊 IEEE Trans. on Computers、IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems、IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal、IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, Big Data Mining and Analytics 等国际学术期刊和会议上发表学术论文300多篇。英文学术专著1本,日文学术专著1本。编辑英文学术专著5本。也是2017年IEEE Systems Journal 的最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)的获得者。 李颉教授现在 IEEE Trans on Cloud Computing,IEEE Trans on Big Data, Big Data Mining and Analytics, IEEE IoT Journal,IEEE Access Journal, IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology,计算机教育等多个国内外学术期刊的编委。是 2018 年 IEEE Trans. on Network Science and Engineering 杂志特刊 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Networking 的编委,2017年IEEE Trans. on Big Data杂志特刊Wireless Big Data的编委,2016年IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)杂志新技术特刊中Big Data部分的编委,IEEE Access杂志特刊Big Data for Green Communications and Computing,IEEE Network杂志特刊Big Data for Networking的编委等。在日本筑波大学任职期间,担任了日本的重要科研项目负责人,日本与以色列、美国、法国等国际合作学术科研项目日方负责人,日本下一代信息放送科学技术研究所技术指导等。还担任了日本信息处理学会的相关委员会干事,数据库委员会和网络技术委员会等的指导委员。还是美国耶鲁大学,法国国家信息科学研究院(Inria Sophia Antipolis and Inria Grenoble – Rhone-Aples),清华大学,中国科学技术大学,中南大学,福州大学,香港中文大学,香港城市大学,香港理工大学等高校研究所的访问客座教授。是2018年IEEE云计算工程会议程序委员会共同主席、2016年IEEE INFOCOM的大数据科学技术和应用 Workshop 的共同主席、2016年大数据和网络国际学术会议的主席和大会发言者(Keynote)、2015年IEEE通信学会旗舰会议IEEE GlobeCom的Industry Panel: Big Data for Information and Communications Technologies的组织者和Panelist、2015年国际云计算网络与应用会议的共同主席、2013年国际云计算大数据学术会议的共同主席等。
陈振茂, 教授
西安交通大学航天航空学院 中国
陈振茂,山西省怀仁市人, 西安交通大学航天航空学院教授,陕西省无损检测与结构完整性评价工程技术研究中心/西安交大核能结构安全检测与完整性评价研究中心主任。西安交通大学理学学士、工学硕士,东京大学工学博士。曾任日本文科省JAEA博士研究员、庆应大学特任副教授、东北大学客座教授。兼任中国力学学会理事,中国无损检测学会常务理事/电磁专委会副主任,陕西省力学学会常务理事,陕西省无损检测学会理事,陕西省质检局科技委计量与检测专委会委员,系列国际会议ENDE国际指导委员会主席(2014-2017),国家基金委会评专家(2015),系列国际会议ISEM、ENDE、ICMST、ICFD国际指导委员会委员,第14届ISEM、第19届ENDE会议主席,第7届ICEF共同主席,远东无损检测论坛学术委员会副主席,NDT&E Int.,IJAEM,IJSPA,NDT&D,保全学、应用力学学报、西安交通大学学报、无损检测期刊编委,全国无损检测标委会委员, CSTM无损检测标委会委员等。国务院特殊津贴获得者,教育部新世纪人才,陕西省三秦人才津贴获得者,首批国家ITER专项优秀人才项目获得者,西安交通大学腾飞特聘教授。
郭 团, 博士
主要从事先进光子器件、光纤传感、生物光子学和能源光子学等领域研究。主持国家及省部级科研项目十余项,包括国家国家优秀青年基金项目、广东省自然基金重点项目、广州市产学研协同创新重大专项等。在Nature Communications, Light : Science & Applications(封面论文)、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Analytical Chemistry等权威期刊发表SCI论文90余篇,受邀在Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry、Journal of Lightwave Technology、Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics等权威期刊撰写特邀综述论文6篇,入选Web of Science高被引论文2篇,论文总引用2300余次(h index 22),参编Springer Nature著作《Handbook of Optical Fibers》,国际会议做特邀报告30余次,以第一发明人身份申请国家发明专利19项(授权7项、国际TCP专利1项),研究成果被光学权威评论期刊《Nature Photonics》、《Optics & Photonics News》和《Laser Focus World》专题报道。自主研发的光纤矢量振动和矢量扭转传感器应用于南方电网“电网灾害综合监测预警系统”,为输电线路带电工作状态下提供实时远程监测,预判输电设备隐患,提升电力系统监测能力,得到了南方电网公司的高度评价。
担任国际IEEE仪器与测量协会Photonic Technology in Instrumentation and Measurement技术委员会共主席(Co-Chair),国际会议OSA CLEO-PR、IEEE I2MTC技术委员会分会主席。担任国际权威期刊IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology、MDPI Sensors副主编/客座主编,国际IEEE协会资深会员(IEEE Senior Member),美国OSA协会资深会员(OSA Senior Member),中国光学学会光电技术专委会委员。
荣获IEEE仪器与测量学会“年度科技奖”获得者(Technical Award,每年1人),入选国际期刊IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology和美国光学学会OSA的Top Reviewer,指导研究生获“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖和二等奖。
Zahriladha Zakaria, Professor
Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universiti Teknikal MalaysiaMalaysia
Dr . Zahriladha Bin Zakaria is an Professor and researcher with research interest in RF & Microwaves, Antenna, and wireless communications. He received the B. Eng. and M. Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1998 and 2004 respectively. He obtained his Doctorate from The University of Leeds in 2010 in the area of Microwave Engineering. From 1998 to 2002, he was with STMicroelectronics, based in Malaysia where he worked as Product Engineer. He is currently a Manager of Centre of Excellence (CoE), called Centre for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI). Prior to the current position, he was appointed as Deputy Dean (Academic) Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering, and Head of Telecommunication Engineering Department at the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. As a lecturer, he teaches electronic system, communication principles, microwave engineering, advanced TCP/IP and signal processing in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. He also as an academic program advisor for several public Institute of Higher Learnings (IHLs) in Malaysia.
He and his research members has secured 22 internal and external research grants with total amount of around RM 1.7 million (about USD 500,000.00) and hold 5 intellect property rights. He has published more than 100 scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings. Together with his research team, he has supervised more than 15 postgraduate students (PhD and MSc), and currently supervising more than 25 undergraduate students. Dr . Zahriladha Bin Zakaria has won several awards including gold medal during the research and innovation exhibition at international level such as Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2012-2014), International Trade Fair Ideas Inventions New Products (iENA 2012) in Nuremberg, Germany, Seoul International Invention Fair (SiiF 2013) in Seoul, Korea. He is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a member of Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and also a member of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
Alex Noel Josephraj, 教授
ALEX NOEL JOSEPH RAJ received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Madras University, India,in 2001, the M.E. degree in Applied Electronics from Anna University in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK in 2009. From October 2009 to September 2011, he was with Valeport Ltd Totnes, UK as Design Engineer. From March 2013 to March 2017 he was with the Department of Embedded Technology, School of Electronics Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India as a Professor. Since March 2017, he is with Department of Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering, Shantou University, China. His research interests include Machine Learning, Signal and Image Processing and FPGA implementations.He is specialised in Image processing, with Industrial and Teaching experience in Machine Learning, Deep Networks Signal and Medical Image Processing, FPGA system design, Matlab, Simulink, Machine Vision Systems, SONAR systems and Embedded Systems. He is constantly looking for dynamic interns and post docs to join his research team at Shantou University China. Please contact him directly @ jalexnoel@stu.edu.cn
Employment History
Teaching Experience: 8 years [6 years - Post PhD and 2 years - Concurrently with Ph.D]
Industry Experience: 3 .5 years [1.10 years - Post PhD and 1.7 year - Pre- PhD]
Jan 2017 to till Date Professor - Department of Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering,Shantou University, Shantou, China.
Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 Professor & Head, Department of Embedded Technology, School of Electronics Engineering VIT University, Vellore, India.
Mar 2013 to Dec 2015 Professor, School of Electronics Engineering VIT University, Vellore, India.
Sep 2011 to Feb 2013 Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
Oct 2009 to July 2011 Design Engineer, at Valeport LTD, U.K, a leading Oceanographic, Hydrographic and Hydrometric Instrument manufacturing company in UK.
Sep 2006 to Sep 2008 Research Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Warwick.
Jul 2001 to Feb 2003 Technical Staff - R&D Emcon Emsys Technologies, Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India.
Specialized in Computer Vision, with Research and Teaching experience in Signal and Image Processing, Machine Learning, FPGA based system design, Machine Vision Systems, SONAR systems, and Embedded Systems